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Waste Recycling and Environmental Protection
Thank you for completing the survey!
Your participation is greatly appreciated!
1. How do you usually handle household waste?
A. I do not sort it; I throw everything in one trash bin.
B. I roughly categorize it into recyclable and non-recyclable waste.
C. I strictly sort it according to local waste classification standards.
D. It depends on the situation; sometimes I sort it, and sometimes I do not.
2. How important do you think waste recycling is to environmental protection?
A. Very important; it is a key aspect of environmental protection.
B. Quite important; it helps with resource utilization and reducing pollution.
C. Moderately important; it has some impact, but it is not the main focus.
D. Not very important; it doesn't have much effect on the environment.
E. Not important at all; I don't see what the significance is.
3. What kind of waste recycling facilities are most common in your community? (Multiple choices allowed)
A. Regular trash bins (not categorized by waste type)
B. Recyclable waste bins
C. Hazardous waste bins
D. Kitchen waste bins
4. Which of the following methods of waste recycling are you aware of? (Multiple choices allowed)
A. Recycling waste paper to make recycled paper
B. Recycling plastic to produce plastic products or other items
C. Recycling metals through smelting to manufacture metal products
D. Fermenting kitchen waste to produce biogas for energy
E. I am not very familiar with any of these methods.
5. What do you think is the biggest obstacle to environmental protection in Indonesia at present?
6. Do you have any good suggestions for raising environmental protection awareness among the Indonesian people, especially regarding waste recycling?
7. Have you ever sold waste material from your home? If so, can you briefly share your experience and gains from that process?